Feb 7, 2011

movie time!:) LEAN ON ME

        The second movie we watched in class today- Lean on Me:) To be frank, i bet 60% of the story is waxed with the loud voice of its major character; Joe Clark. Either he is arguing with people who work under him, his colleagues or the most obvious; his boisterous students. For the rest, read them below:

1. Entertainment value?
this movie didn't etch so much entertainment value compared to the first movie we watched; Akeelah and the Bee. i would rather say  this story was more serious since most of the casts looked stern.   i hardly saw they smile  for the first half of it. i am sure that the audience would struck in ear-bugging especially when listening to face-to-face bickering among them. Seriously i thought more than i laughed at first but thanks to the hilarious Eastside High School residents for the craziness that cheer me up!

2. Effect on you as B.Ed TESL student?
i learn that a teacher must be creative in her teaching approach. i love the part where the teacher (i forgot her name) modifies the school song in order to make students more interested in it. A good teacher must learn to tolerate, considers others' view instead of acting like an omniscient. As an English teacher to be, i'm aware that there'll be lot of challenges awaiting me ranging from working environment to students' whims and fancies.

3. Relate this story to teachers whom you know in the past?
i never had such a hot-tempered teacher during my schooling time as portrayed by Mr. Joe Clark. For me, he advocates great authority that no one could say 'no' to his decision. He did have noble intention though, which was subtly expressed. i never come across a teacher like him maybe because we were all well-behaved as opposed to students in the story:P

4. Practical/theoretical lesson you learned
i learned that there's many ways in dealing with our students. the one we use to student A may not be workable to student B because people are different. I guess if Mr. Joe Clark was posted in a school whose students are decent, he might not react so. It was the pressure; black people stigma, lagging education, the parents, drug dealing and so forth that fanned the flame.
i also realize that as teachers, we are dealing with humans who have feeling. therefore, being tolerant is vital in facing the hitch that gets in the way. :))

Feb 4, 2011

thoughtful of B.Ed TESL Cohort 5:)

hi there..penning my thought again:) this time, i would like to write about two previous sessions we have had before. well, it's all about THOUGHT!! we had to crack our brain, came up with a stand based on stories we were assigned to read. the most interesting part was definitely to justify our own stand. why did you say/think so?JENG3x....:))
1. the first question was 'Is the dowry system fairly treated in stories; A Question of Dowry and Everything's Arranged. we agreed to say 'NO' for this question as in both stories, dowry which was supposedly meant to be a gift from a bride to her bride groom turned out to be a burden for the brides' family. we came up with several reasons which we discussed earlier. we presented our points confidently even we were bombarded with some 'unwanted' questions..hehe:)
2. the second session is still the same but this time around we ought to create our own stand based on the two stories provided; A Great Injustice and The Merry Maid. we choose 'Society's Treatment Does Influence One's Decision'. i would say that we were more organized in presenting our points; substantiated with strong evidences.
      Anyway, listening to other groups' presentation really made up my mind as i found that a particular stand could be viewed or justified in many ways to strengthen it. plus, there's certain stands they presented we have thought of earlier on; but we didn't know how to put it in a proper sentence. Anyhow, i realize that confidence is really essential in order to lash out your stand and justification assertively.  In all, these two sessions have been really helpful for us to prepare for our first assignment; position paper. Thanks to all and good luck!