Apr 4, 2011

Animal Farm

     This is another story i never heard before till i enter Dr. Jaya's class;Animal Farm. Credit to Dr. Jaya and his angels:) it takes me 3 days to finish up reading the text. at a first glance, i thought this story is similar with our childhood story which mostly light entertainment. however, in the end i found this story is full of underlying meaning besides the 'heavy' message  etched. heavy in the sense that it wasn't all about entertainment but more to that; it dwelled on the theme like socialism, how one tend to take advantage on other weaknesses, how the weaker one is easily manipulated by those who hold authority and so forth.
     Briefly, Animal Farm is about a group of animals which have been sheltered in Mr. Jones' farm. their leader; Old Major is going to die very soon thus all the aniumals throng together to listen to his last speech. Old Major asserts that all animals could have been living a much better life without the control of men. he blows the hatred in them towards men till they fought for their rights. After chasing Mr. Jones, a big pig named Napoleon appoints himself to be the leader in the new Animal Farm. He creates seven principles of Animalism which all animals are obliged to abide by  to show their deteste and rejection towards any man.  Another pig called Snowball helps Napoleon to manage their live. However at last, Napoleon accused him for having  bad intention thus he is chased away.
     towards the end of the story, something unexpected happens. it is Napoleon himself who is actually the tyranny. after the animals working hard to build a windmill as instructed by him, he secretly negotiates with the farmers and decides to sell the timber to Mr. Pikington. the pigs also continue the pattern of awarding themselves more and more privileges. at one time, when other animals peer through the window watching the humans and pigs play poker, they cannot distinguish between them.
     there's many lesson we can gain from this story. the obvious one is how one's noble attention could turn into devil when he or she hold a high position. as the followers, it's crucial for us not to follow the rules bluntly without thinking rationally. if this happened, surely we are easy to be fooled and deceived by our leaders.